Friday, July 23, 2010

Pink for Zoya

Last year at this time I was on my way to Duluth, Minnesota, having just heard the news my sister Zoya had passed away. Zoya was adopted from Russia when I was about 14 years old. She loved the color pink. Her room was pink. Her phone was pink. Even her hair was usually pink. As such, I'll dedicate this pink post to her memory.

Zoya was legally blind, yet through dedicated perseverance was able to accomplish anything she set her mind to. She was a straight A student. She studied for hours to make sure she was always at the top of the class. She even won a state sewing competition with a Pink business dress she made. The little girl that I helped teach English, responsibility, and life to taught me a lot in return.

After college we grew apart. We talked once a month or so and only saw each other on vacations. We failed each other I supposed. Today I'm exceptionally vulnerable as I'm reminded of my time with her.

I hope you found peace Zoya. You're deeply missed.

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