Friday, September 17, 2010

AT Day 3

Rain.   Sometime in the night it had started pouring, drowning out the deafening roar of the tree frogs and crickets.  We didn't have backpack covers of course.  After taking our time packing up and punching holes in the front sole of my shoe so I could lace it against my foot, we headed out.  We trudged 6 miles through the rain with rain soaked backpacks to the next shelter.

We ended our day early, around 1:00.  About an hour after we arrived a group of 6 grandmas in their 60's and 70's stop by.  They had originally planned to spend the night here, but after getting a glimpse of us decide to hike on to the next shelter.  A 14 mile day for them.  Maybe it was our smell.  Or the Jim Bean.  Regardless, they continued on.

Sub-man and Pringles stop by a short time later and share a piece of their sandwiches from Subway.  Brining fresh food to share the first night is definitely a great way to make friends.  They are also going to continue on to the next shelter.  We ended a bit too early, but lets face it, hiking in the rain was miserable.

6 miles, rain.

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