Friday, September 17, 2010

AT Day 2

We woke up early and hit the trail.  The water source at the shelter was quite bad, no more than a one inch puddle with a tiny drip from a pipe.  With a single bottle of water in hand, we decide to wait for a nicer water source and head out.  It was about a .2 mile climb from the shelter to the actual trail, and at the top we hear Pringles yell out for us as he runs up behind us.  Allan forgot his headlamp at camp.  A mile up the road Sub-man comes trotting up behind us delivering Allan's jacket.  Forgetfulness seems to be a genetic trait. 

Two miles later, all up hill, we come across the next trail with signs for "Raccoon campground" 3 miles away which appears to be the water source marked with blue blazers.  Unwilling to take a 6 mile trip out of the way for water, we forge ahead.  We run out of water as the day approaches the hottest hours.  Stranded, confused, a little lost, we take a break and lay down on the trail.  Once again Sub-man and Pringles come up behind us, and offer us some of their water since they're getting off the trail in a mile to stay at a nearby town and wait for Pringles' brother to arrive.  

Offering a starving hiker steak and wine certainly has it's benefits, and I dare say Pringles and Sub-man more than paid for their steaks with their saving grace today.

My shoes break towards the end of the day.  The front half of the sole of my right shoe detaches and flops around.  With broken shoes and will, I barely manage to make it up the last mountain; after which I immediately fall asleep at shelter(@ 4:30pm.  For those that don't know me very well, I usually go to bed around 2:00am), wake up long enough to eat two packs of Ramen noddles and immediately go back to bed.

Summary of Day 2:
10 miles, broken shoes, exhaustion.

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