Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Celebration of the Ordinary

I realize most of my posts on this blog are from extravagant trips and very little from my daily life. We often seem to think that it is our vacations, our experiences far away from home, that are the most meaningful. Look through anyone's photo album and you're likely to see pictures of every vacation they've taken, but very little of their daily life.

While we seem to celebrate the extraordinary, it's the mundane, simple things in life that are truly special. They define who we are as a person and how we transform the world.

As an Agnostic, I base my moral guidance on the simple conclusion that one should live their life in such a way that it is exactly as they wish to be eternally remembered. That through their actions the world is transformed to exactly what they want it to be. Every action we take, every second we exist, we transform the universe into something it couldn't have been without us. Are you being remembered exactly as you wish to be?

My last two weeks at work have primarily consisted of helping two new members on my team start off on solid footing. The learning curve for the project I work on is very extreme, and it will take 6 months before they become productive members of the team. Training and social introductions are amongst my main responsibilities these past two weeks, and I've spent a considerable amount of extra time preparing for it. I like to think that I've made their first two weeks as painless as possible and that I've set them up with everything they need to succeed.

After work, I go to the gym for an hour with a co-worker. After all, I have a several day Appalachian trail hike this fall I need to prepare for. Futurama and Mythbusters frequent the television for the first hour when I arrive home, followed with a snack, and typically some more computer work. The occasional computer game finds it's way into the mix, although I haven't played much since the Starcraft II Beta ended. I usually finish the night on the computer, exploring new realms and personal projects, such as the one mentioned in the previous post: here. That's my day in a nutshell, and I'm proud of the way it usually plays out. Surely there's room for improvement, but I'm only human.